Monday, June 16, 2008

Grandparents Are a Wonderful Thing

I did get up and make it out to the water aerobics class by 5:30 am AGAIN!! Woohoo for me, I also paid up front for the week, that way I have to go. I know myself too well, sometimes I just want to stay in bed sleeping, not to mention it makes for a really long day. I do feel a lot better starting my day off with exercise, good conversation and the view of that sun peeking up over the foothills. DrillSgt. says I must continue, he says it's added pep to my step.

Da'Gorgeouses had the opportunity to spend the day with Welo & Grammy (well, we were there too, but it's pretty clear we don't count too much any more) LOL!! It's perfectly okay with me, I had my years in the sun, not to mention when I was little I had all of my grandparents attention too. There's nothing like a doting grandfather or a semi-strict fun-loving grandmother to help you grow up feeling super loved. Anyway, as we were driving up to their house, LongRifle let out a "YAAAAYYY" from the back seat, a grin spread over my face a mile wide and knowing good and well what her answer would be I just had to ask, "Why are you saying YAAAAYY? What is it?" Her response of course was "Welo home!" adding the clapping and squeals. That girl adores her Welo. Pistol walked in, took a look around, said hello quickly to Grammy and said, "Where's Welo?" Grammy just smiled as he peeked out from his office. When Da'Gorgeouses saw him they went running straight to him for a hug. Such a beautiful sight, makes me wish I'd had my camera. Oh well, I pray there will be many more of those opportunities to come.


Skeller June 18, 2008 at 7:57 AM  

Grandparents are the BEST!!! My kiddos adore their "special days" with Nana and Papa.
And kudos to you for continuing to exercise at o'dark hour!!!!

Holly June 18, 2008 at 11:15 AM  

Way to go! I keep making excuses for why I can't exercise. Not only is it good for us but also a good example to the little ones. Keep it up:)



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