Sunday, October 21, 2007

Apple Festival

I realized the other day that there aren't many pics of me with Da'Gorgeouses so
I asked DrillSgt. to take one of me and the girls.

Yesterday we drove up to the Apple Festival. We were a little worried because the weather report said to look out for rain. Luckily, it was a very nice day and we were able to walk around, enjoy the sunshine and see a few familiar faces. Da'Gorgeouses had a great time, smiling at everyone, jabbering up a storm, and even practicing their walking a little bit. We didn't do too badly, ate A LOT, and bought them each a cute hat.

Aren't they just GORGEOUS?!
LongRifle on the left.
Pistol on the right.

Ta-ta-ta came down to visit so after the Apple Festival, we went back to my parents house and watched Evan Almighty. I liked it, but something in it really hit me. It was the scene where Al Mighty was talking to the wife and said something to the effect of God answering prayers, but not in the way we'd like them to be answered. For instance, when you pray for patience, well, God doesn't GIVE you patience, He gives you the opportunity to practice your patience. Well, that just hit me like a ton of bricks. You see, I'm one of those people that used to pray for God to give me patience all the time, I still do---more so now that I'm a mom. Now I see that He clearly answered my prayers, He gave me the opportunity to practice my patience every day, ALL DAY!!!
Speaking of God, we went to Church today. Taking Da'Gorgeouses to Church is a definitely an opportunity in practicing patience. Believe me, we go prepared. In our bag are two bottles, a couple of toys, and a bag full of cheerios. We've been going regularly since May (once RSV season ended) and the girls have done pretty well so far. We always try to sit near the back, in case we have to take one of them out, it's not too disruptive. Now, I know they have a special little room back there for noisy kids, but the way I see it, if we sit in there, how are Pistol and LongRifle supposed to learn how to behave during Mass? So, we sit outside in the pews with everyone else. LongRifle and Pistol used to just make eyes at everyone, they'd drink their bottles, smile occasionally, but that was about it, sometimes they'd even fall asleep. Now, things are different. LongRifle likes to sing her "la, la, la" and Pistol likes to make her monkey noises, and now both are wanting to get down and play on the floor. So on occasion, we do step outside with them, usually it's one or the other, and only if they happen to be too loud, for too long---epecially during the Gospel or the Homily. Before we started attending DrillSgt. and I agreed that no matter what we would not be leaving in the middle of Mass, we would stay---even standing outside with them---until the end. So far, so good. The nice thing is that they're so social, they'd rather be inside with everyone else than outside for a long period of time. They've even started extending their hands to give others a sign of peace and Pistol likes to lipsync to the songs we sing. I'm glad they are feeling like part of the Church community, it's always been a place of comfort for me.


gardngirl October 22, 2007 at 7:52 PM  

Awesome picture of you and the girls. They are getting so big and are very photogenic. Glad you had fun at the Apple Festival. The weather was perfect for it. See ya Wednesday!



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