Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I don't think I've mentioned it, but the Friday before we went on our San Diego Zoo trip Pistol started saying I love you. Mind you, Barney was on and she thought he was going to sing his I love you song, but I was so excited that she said it. DrillSgt. and I are always telling them I love you and their usual response was a big hug. So since that first day, Pistol has been saying I love you. LongRifle started saying it the Monday after our trip, but she doesn't say it as often, although she's quick to give you a HUGE hug and a big kiss! Pistol has now progressed to saying I love you too, in response to our I love you's, and I love it, when she really likes the food she's eating. This last phrase has motivated me to start cooking a lot more because FINALLY someone is audibly complimenting the foods I'm making---LOL!! It just amazes me that she mastered the difference between you and it, I don't even remember making a big deal about those two words to her, it's as if she came up with it on her own. I swear, just when I think they couldn't do anything else to amaze and surprise me...they do!


gardngirl February 4, 2008 at 10:20 PM  

Do they melt your heart or what?! One of those laugh(because they're so cute) & cry (because you can't believe they are growing into such an amazing child) moments we have so frequently because we're Moms. :) Too sweet!



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