Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Extended Workout

Da'Gorgeouses had a fun day today, at least, I think they did. We took them shopping for some new tennis shoes for DrillSgt. Let me tell you, trying to contain two 2 year olds while your husband shops and tries on shoes is a task, you'd think I'd be losing more weight with all the running around that I do, sigh, but it might be countered by the stress eating that I'm prone to! DrillSgt. agreed (after he tried on and finally bought 2 pairs of shoes) that maybe shopping with them was not such a good idea. I mean, it was a sporting goods store, they don't have shopping carts, they have no room for strollers and they have WAY too many cool things to look at and touch, not to mention all those wonderful metal things that they use to hang stuff up on that just so happen to be at eye level and well within danger level of 2 year old toddlers. I also no longer care as to what others think of my singing Old McDonald, Libby Lou, the Hokey Pokey or Hooray, as long as it allows them to focus, if even for a minute or two, on something other than all the things they can pull down or hide under or step on top of.


Holly June 21, 2008 at 8:31 AM  

Ahhh yes, sounds familiar. And I know it will only get worse the older she gets- yikes:)

Anonymous November 10, 2008 at 6:28 PM  

Interesting to know.



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