Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Day With Tia Na-Na

I am seriously blessed to have a wonderful sister. Can you believe she drove OVER an hour to watch Da'Gorgeouses for me yesterday? Can you also believe that NOT once did they cry while she was baby sitting them?! I asked her to guest blog her experience with them, from what she was telling me it was one hilarious moment after another. Maybe I can still have her do that, I think it'd be neat to have her write it from her point of view. Bottom line is, she did an amazing job with them (which I knew she would) and had a fun, but exhausting day taking care of them. She's off to work now, so that will be that last time I can ask such a HUGE favor of her. THANKS Tia Na-Na, you're a life-saver (the cherry kind 'cause they're my favorite!).

Work seems to be going okay, I'm getting the hang of it all but I'm still feeling the stress of having to complete everything before I leave to come home and in the allotted time. Back in the day, (before Da'Gorgeouses) I brought work home, graded papers, entered grades, or just stayed late after school (all those people that say teaching is an 8:30 am to 3:00 pm job, need to show me how that is even possible---I need to learn before next year!). Anyway, that staying late, bringing home papers, sooo NOT happening now, and making sure I get it all done in the 3 hour time frame is really exhausting!


Helene August 28, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

Your sister sounds wonderful! I can't wait to read her post about her experience babysitting the girls!

I'm glad to hear work is going okay...hopefully you'll be able to back into the groove again and find a routine that works for you where you're not as stressed.

Anonymous August 28, 2008 at 7:12 PM  

I wish I had a sister (boo hoo!) LOL
Glad she had a good time with them. Glad to hear work is going good, hope it slows down a bit though so you don't feel overwhelmed!



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