Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is This Our Lucky Month?!

So I'm beginning to wonder if this is our lucky month. Yesterday, we opened up an offer for a free Disney Park Hopper ticket (anyone else get this?). Hmmm...we still have one day left on our previous costco Disney ticket, if we combine the two together, well, then we'd only have to pay for one more ticket and we could do 2 days again at one of our favorite places, something to think about.

Oh yeah, and then today I came home and my mom said there was a message on the machine from the Ronald McDonald House. Sure enough, they were asking us to help them out. We've been invited to be guest speakers at their upcoming gala black tie fundraising event (November 8th), telling a little about our story, our experience, what the RMH really means/meant to us. Funny they should ask that, after my grandmother passed away, I made it a point to tell DrillSgt. that in lieu of flowers at my funeral---they just die anyway---I'd like people to donate to Children's Hospital of the Central Valley or to the Ronald McDonald House of the Central Valley (Madera, CA). Both are amazing organizations and I really can't say enough about them. I accepted of course, I really didn't feel like I could say no, it just wouldn't be right, it's the place we called home for almost 15 weeks. I'm not one that likes to speak in front of people, especially not people dressed in formal wear, but I told DrillSgt. I'd be more than happy to write something up if he'd be willing to read it.


Anne October 9, 2008 at 8:18 PM  

Such an honor to be asked to speak at the RMH fundraiser! I am sure your good experience will be a source of hope for others. I was so very lucky to live literally only 100 yards from Eliza's NICU but I knew many parents who were so very grateful to have the RMH.

Anonymous October 13, 2008 at 9:32 AM  

What an honor, good luck!



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