Friday, July 25, 2008

Tiny Tots 1

I've been having problems with the internet AGAIN!! Someone will be coming out to look at our wiring next week, maybe it will fix the outages we've been having (cross your fingers).

So my meeting with the staff at the new school I'll be working at went well. Everyone was super friendly and it seems I'll really fit in there. I even had the opportunity to meet with "the DIRECTOR." I'm really looking forward to those two days a week, but more importantly to the extra $ that will be coming into our household.

We decided to change the time Da'Gorgeouses were scheduled for their swimming class. It's a half hour earlier, but there is only one other tiny tot in their class. Considering they only have 2 staff for each class, this works out much better. This way I can stay OUT of the pool and take pictures---HOORAY!! Of course this means there won't be any photos of me in my bathing suit (and boy are you all lucky!) LOL!! Even if there were I wouldn't have posted them anyway, it was bad enough I had to be in my swimsuit in front of all those other skinny parents and way young & skinny pool staff (the things we do for our kids). Anyway, here are a few photos from yesterday, I failed to heed the cardinal rule of photography and took a bunch of shots with the sun behind them, must fix that today.


Kellan July 25, 2008 at 7:18 PM  

Those pictures are adorable - so precious!

Have a good weekend - Kellan

Holly July 25, 2008 at 9:05 PM  

Great pictures, even with the sun behind them:) LOL about the bathing suit comments. Yeah, you can file "me in a bathing suit on my blog" under NEVER gonna happen!



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